Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Embracing it ALL...

One of my favorite things about this time of year is the chance to gather with friends and family. At home, we began listening to Christmas music and decorated the house around Thanksgiving. The kids are jumping out of their skin with excitement as they write and re-write their letters to Santa. There are school concerts to prepare for, holiday strolls and tree lighting ceremonies, ice skating parties, and lots of shopping. The lists are long but the smiles are bright and the jingling of the Salvation Army bells outside of the local supermarket remind us that it is a season of generosity.

As I help put together the annual Holiday celebration at Above Elite Studios, I am overwhelmed by the generosity of spirit and the loyalty of the artists that participate. Some of us harvested fresh greens from our yards, others swept the stairs and hung banners. Twinkly lights were strung on branches and window sills to add sparkle and holiday cheer. With a little wine and good conversation and you've got the perfect kick off to the winter season. The show is up and ready and all we have to wait for are the guests.

The very best part of all of this is that I get to make new friends. Just today I spent the morning with singer/songwriter Evan St. Martin. We were invited on to the local radio station (WBLQ 1230AM) where Evan had a chance to showcase a couple of his original songs. I was absolutely blown away by his talent! I was also humbled by the generosity of the crew at WBLQ. They spent so much time with us and it was such a joy watching them work. Thank you to Chris Dipaola, Mark Sullivan and Brian Sullivan for welcoming us into the radio station and for embracing the arts.

I leave you with a video of the broadcast. Enjoy! Evan will be performing at Above Elite Studios on Friday, Dec. 9th. The studios will be open on Friday, Dec. 9th from 5:30-9pm and Saturday, Dec. 10th from 10-4pm. Hope to see you there.

1 comment:

  1. can't wait to see it all - and hear it all- Friday night!
